How to Run a Watcher

By the end of this guide, you should know how to run a Watcher on your local machine, on VPS, or a bare-metal server. The guide is useful for enterprise clients who want to integrate with the OMG Network.


You should use this guide if you need to accomplish one of the following goals:

  • Rely on a personal Watcher to verify transactions and receive network's events

  • Host a redundant Watcher node to secure the network

  • Be an active participant of the network


  1. Basic knowledge of Linux and blockchain technology

  2. A laptop/PC, a Linux-based VPS, or a bare-metal server

  3. A fully synced Ethereum client

Ethereum client is required to synchronize transactions on the OMG Network with the Ethereum Network. The easiest way to have a full ETH client is to use one of the Ethereum infrastructure providers. Our team has tried Infura and Geth but other providers may work too.

Supported Platforms

The Watcher has been tested on the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 16.04

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • Alpine 3.11

  • macOS 11.0.0 (local usage only)

Note, it might be possible to run a Watcher on other environments. Above are provided the systems that have been tested.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

The following hardware is required to run a Watcher:

  • Storage: 8GB SSD

  • CPU: 1 CPU Core with at least 2.2 GHz

  • RAM: 4GB

  • Bandwidth: 20 Mbps

The requirements are based on the network's load in Q3 2020. It is recommended to use hardware with higher performance to avoid a potential increase in transaction volume.


The costs of running a Watcher include the following components:


Before installing Watcher service on a server or your local machine, you should have a few things setup:

1. Log in to Your Server

If you're planning to install a Watcher on a remote server (VPS or bare-metal), make sure to have an active session open before proceeding with the guide.

The configuration process takes a significant amount of time and may require help from your DevOps team. This step is fully covered in the Manage VPS guide.

You can log in using the following command from your terminal or command prompt:

  • $USER - the name of the user with root privileges used to log into the remote server. Default: root.

  • $REMOTE_SERVER - an IP address of your remote server.

  • $PORT - a port used to connect to the server. Default: 22.

2. Check TCP ports

Make sure you have don't have any of the services running on one of the following ports: 7434, 7534, 5432. The ports are used as follows:

  • 7434: watcher, a light-weight Watcher to ensure the security of funds deposited into the childchain

  • 7534: watcher_info, a convenient and performant API to the child chain data

  • 5432: postgres, a PostgreSQL database that stores transactions and contains data needed for challenges and exits

You can use lsof, netstat or other alternatives to check occupied ports:

sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep LISTEN

If you found one of the ports is already in use, kill the process the port is occupied with as follows:

sudo lsof -t -i:$PORT
sudo kill -9 $PID
  • $PORT - a port to clear from other processes

  • $PID - process ID listening on a defined port

If you're already using Docker, verify these ports are free too:

docker ps

3. Update Packages

If you're using a Linux-based system, make sure to update your packages:

sudo apt-get update


Running a Watcher locally is recommended for testing purposes only. For production, you should use VPS or a bare-metal server. This allows increasing uptime, reducing latency, and configuring advanced security measures for your instance.

Bare-metal (Ubuntu)

Docker Compose (Ubuntu)

Docker Compose (macOS)

This method shows how to install and run a Watcher from a bare-metal release of the elixir-omg repository. It is a recommended approach for production use. You can run it on VPS, dedicated, or bare-metal server on one of the supported environments.

1. Install Dependencies

1.1 Install Erlang and Elixir

The current implementation is built with Erlang and Elixir and uses asdf to manage multiple runtime versions. Asdf relies on several libraries that you may need to install first:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev make automake autoconf libncurses5-dev gcc unzip

If you've used these libraries before, you may proceed to asdf installation as follows:

git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.7.4
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profileasdf plugin-add elixir
asdf plugin-add erlang install erlang 22.3
asdf install elixir 1.10.2
asdf global erlang 22.3
asdf global elixir 1.10.2mix do local.hex --force, local.rebar --force

1.2 Install PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is required to store Watcher's data, such as deposits, transactions, exits, and byzantine events.

apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contribsudo -u postgres psql <  CREATE USER omisego_dev WITH CREATEDB ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'omisego_dev';
  CREATE DATABASE omisego_dev OWNER 'omisego_dev';

2. Compile the Watcher

2.1 Clone elixir-omg Repository

git clone

2.2 Setup the Project

cd elixir-omg
sh bin/setup

This step may take up to 30 minutes.

2.3 Build the Watcher

make install-hex-rebar
make build-watcher_info-prod

3. Configure the Watcher

3.1 Configure an Environment File

There are several environmental variables the Watcher uses to run its service. To configure them, run the following command in your terminal:

export ETH_NODE=geth
export AUTHORITY_ADDRESS=0x22405c1782913fb676bc74ef54a60727b0e1026f
export TXHASH_CONTRACT=0x1c29b67acc33eba0d26f52a1e4d26625f52b53e6fbb0a4db915aeb052f7ec849
export CONTRACT_ADDRESS_PLASMA_FRAMEWORK=0x0d4c1222f5e839a911e2053860e45f18921d72ac
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://omisego_dev:omisego_dev@localhost:5432/omisego_dev
export NODE_HOST=
export HOSTNAME=localhost
export PORT=7534
export DB_PATH=./data
export APP_ENV=local-development
export DD_DISABLED=true
export LOGGER_BACKEND=console" > ./env
  • $ETHEREUM_RPC_URL - a full Ethereum node URL

Above are provided the values for OMG NETWORK MAINNET BETA V1. If you want to work with another environment, please refer to environments.

3.2 Apply Environment Variables

For the environment variables to take effect, run the command as follows:

source ./env

Note, these values live within your current shell's context. So you need to run this command again on system restart, exiting the shell, etc. To permanently set these values, check the following thread.

If you want to set up additional configurations, refer to deployment configuration document.

4. Install the Watcher

4.1 Create a Directory for Geth

mkdir data

4.2 Initialize Database

_build/prod/rel/watcher_info/bin/watcher_info eval ""

Example output:

2020-08-21 07:02:48.428 [info] module=OMG.DB.ReleaseTasks.InitKeyValueDB function=process/1 ⋅Creating database at "./data/watcher_info"⋅
2020-08-21 07:02:48.534 [info] module=OMG.DB.ReleaseTasks.InitKeyValueDB function=init_kv_db/1 ⋅The database at "./data/watcher_info" has been created⋅

4.3 Migrate Database Tables

_build/prod/rel/watcher_info/bin/watcher_info eval "OMG.WatcherInfo.ReleaseTasks.InitPostgresqlDB.migrate()"

Example output:

2020-08-21 07:03:36.968 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅create table blocks⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.008 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅== Migrated 20180813131000 in 0.0s⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.081 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅== Running 20180813131706 OMG.WatcherInfo.Repo.Migrations.CreateTransactionTable.change/0 forward⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.081 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅create table transactions⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.115 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅create index unq_transaction_blknum_txindex⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.125 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅== Migrated 20180813131706 in 0.0s⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.140 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅== Running 20180813133000 OMG.WatcherInfo.Repo.Migrations.CreateEtheventTable.change/0 forward⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.141 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅create table ethevents⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.171 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅== Migrated 20180813133000 in 0.0s⋅
2020-08-21 07:03:37.188 [info] module=Ecto.Migration.Runner function=log/2 ⋅== Running 20180813143343 OMG.WatcherInfo.Repo.Migrations.CreateTxoutputTable.change/0 forward⋅

4.4 Run Ethereum Tasks

_build/prod/rel/watcher_info/bin/watcher_info eval ""

Example output:

2020-08-21 07:06:57.631 [info] module=OMG.WatcherInfo.ExitConsumer function=init/1 ⋅Started OMG.WatcherInfo.ExitConsumer, listen to {:watcher, "InFlightExitOutputWithdrawn"}⋅
2020-08-21 07:06:57.655 [info] module=OMG.WatcherInfo.ReleaseTasks.EthereumTasks function=run/0 ⋅Running Ethereum tasks.⋅
2020-08-21 07:06:57.713 [info] module=OMG.WatcherInfo.ReleaseTasks.EthereumTasks.AddEthereumHeightToEthEvents function=run/0 ⋅Running: Add `eth_height` to `eth_events`⋅

5. Run the Watcher

You can start a Watcher as follows:

_build/prod/rel/watcher_info/bin/watcher_info start

But it's recommended to run this service in the background:

_build/prod/rel/watcher_info/bin/watcher_info daemon

Example output:

2020-08-21 08:17:33.195 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: #2618000, from eth height: 10700384 with 2 txs⋅
2020-08-21 08:17:33.335 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: #2619000, from eth height: 10700468 with 2 txs⋅
2020-08-21 08:17:33.465 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: #2620000, from eth height: 10700476 with 2 txs⋅
2020-08-21 08:17:33.596 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: #2621000, from eth height: 10700562 with 2 txs⋅
2020-08-21 08:17:33.721 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: #2622000, from eth height: 10700609 with 2 txs⋅
2020-08-21 08:17:33.854 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: #2623000, from eth height: 10700637 with 2 txs⋅
2020-08-21 08:17:33.986 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: #2624000, from eth height: 10700810 with 2 txs⋅
2020-08-21 08:17:34.084 [info] module=OMG.WatcherInfo.DB.Block function=insert_from_pending_block/1 ⋅Block #2618000 persisted in WatcherDB, done in 15.402ms⋅

6. Update the Watcher

Frequently there will be updates that you need to apply to your Watcher. First, pull the changes from the repo as follows:

git pull

Then, repeat the steps starting from here.

This method shows how to set up and run a Watcher via Docker Compose tooling. You can run it on your local machine, VPS, dedicated, or bare-metal server on one of the supported environments.

1. Install Dependencies

1.1 Install Docker

sudo curl -sSL | sh && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  • $USER - the name of the user with root privileges used on a remote server.

1.2 Install Docker Compose

Make sure to install the latest version of Docker Compose from the official repository.

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

You will have to log out from a server for installed dependencies to take affect.

1.3 Verify

To verify the installed dependencies, use the following commands:

docker -v && docker-compose -v

Example output:

Docker version 19.03.9, build 9d988398e7
docker-compose version 1.25.5, build 8a1c60f6

2. Set Up Configuration Files

The Watcher consists of watcher and watcher_info services. You can run watcher separately, however, watcher_info relies on the PostgreSQL database where it stores the network's data. All releases and corresponding Docker images (starting from 1.0.1) can be found in our official repository.

2.1 Configure docker-compose-watcher.yml File

Docker Compose allows defining and running multi-container Docker applications. To launch a Watcher with Compose, first, create a YAML file that will contain configurations for our services with nano or vim text editor:

mkdir watcher && cd watcher && nano docker-compose-watcher.yml

Then, copy and paste the required configs, save the changes with ctrl+o (Linux/Windows) or control+o (macOS) and Enter to confirm the changes respectively. Then exit the file with ctrl+x or control+x.

2.2 Configure an Environment File

The YAML file has several values that have to be configured in .env file as follows::

CONTRACT_ADDRESS_PAYMENT_EXIT_GAME=0x48d7a6bbc428bca019a560cf3e8ea5364395aad3" > .env
  • $ETHEREUM_RPC_URL - a full Ethereum node URL

  • $WATCHER_IMAGE - the latest stable watcher image (e.g. omisego/watcher:1.0.3)

  • $WATCHER_INFO_IMAGE - the latest stable watcher_info image (e.g. omisego/watcher_info:1.0.3)

Above are provided the values for OMG NETWORK MAINNET BETA V1. If you want to work with another environment, please refer to environments.

3. Run a Watcher Instance

To run a Watcher instance, you need to start the required Docker containers. The parameter -d allows running containers in the background.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-watcher.yml up -d

Example output:

Starting elixir-omg_watcher_1  ... done
Starting elixir-omg_postgres_1 ... done
Starting elixir-omg_watcher_info_1 ... done

To see logs, use the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-watcher.yml logs -ft

Example output:

watcher_info_1  | 2020-05-15 06:53:30.434 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter.Core function=log_downloading_blocks/2 ⋅Child chain seen at block 
watcher_info_1  | 2020-05-15 06:53:41.959 [info] module=OMG.State.Core function=deposit/2 ⋅Recognized deposits [%{amount: 10000000000000000, blknum: 145003, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, eth_height: 7764861, event_signature: "DepositCreated(address,uint256,address,uint256)", log_index: 12, owner: <<13, 200, 226, 64, 217, 15, 59, 13, 81, 27, 100, 71, 84, 59, 40, 234, 36, 113, 64, 26>>, root_chain_txhash: <<147, 29, 206, 246, 243, 3, 240, 87, 225, 47, 101, 89, 171, 173, 123, 55, 34, 14, 12, 79, 224, 233, 75, 247, 50, 245, 218, 29, 250, 116, 222, 116>>}, %{amount: 1, blknum: 145002, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, eth_height: 7764856, event_signature: "DepositCreated(address,uint256,address,uint256)", log_index: 52, owner: <<186, 193, 205, 64, 81, 195, 120, 191, 144, 0, 135, 204, 196, 69, 215, 231, 208, 42, 215, 69>>, root_chain_txhash: <<49, 33, 4, 79, 147, 239, 174, 12, 22, 112, 84, 38, 41, 10, 51, 142, 50, 212, 239, 179, 158, 160, 49, 147, 115, 17, 53, 146, 171, 104, 86, 125>>}, %{amount: 10000000000000000, blknum: 145001, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, eth_height: 7764842, event_signature: "DepositCreated(address,uint256,address,uint256)", log_index: 5, owner: <<13, 200, 226, 64, 217, 15, 59, 13, 81, 27, 100, 71, 84, 59, 40, 234, 36, 113, 64, 26>>, root_chain_txhash: <<232, 140, 248, 249, 218, 149, 111, 141, 157, 74, 252, 71, 121, 176, 107, 217, 187, 78, 120, 154, 150, 98, 168, 214, 104, 217, 78, 253, 122, 54, 129, 166>>}]⋅
watcher_info_1  | 2020-05-15 06:53:43.059 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter.Core function=log_downloading_blocks/2 ⋅Child chain seen at block 
watcher_info_1  | 2020-05-15 06:53:43.062 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: 
watcher_info_1  | 2020-05-15 06:53:43.230 [info] module=OMG.Watcher.BlockGetter function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Applied block: 

Depending on the server's hardware and internet connection, the entire process can take up to an hour.

If you want to exit the logs without stopping containers, use ctrl+c or control+c.

This method shows how to set up and run a Watcher via Docker Compose tooling, and should be used only on your local macOS machine.

1. Install Dependencies

1.1 Install Brew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

1.2 Install Docker and Docker-Machine

Docker daemon uses Linux-specific kernel features, therefore you can’t run Docker natively on macOS. You'll have to install docker-machine in order to create VM and attach it to.

brew update && brew install docker docker-machine

1.3 Install Docker-Machine Dependencies

Docker-machine relies on VirtualBox, so you have to install it as well:

brew cask install virtualbox

If the installation fails, you'll see the Security & Privacy window opened. Unlock the settings and enable an extension by Oracle as follows:

1.4 Create a Default Docker-Machine

Next, you'll have to create a default machine, specify the name of the machine that Docker will use to execute commands, and connect your shell to the new machine.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox defaul && docker-machine env default && eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

You can verify that your machine was created as follows:

docker-machine ls

Example output:

NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM   DOCKER     ERRORS
default   *        virtualbox   Running   tcp:

1.5 Install Docker Compose

The current guide will demonstrate how to set up and manage a Watcher via Docker Compose tooling due to the simplicity of running this on your laptop/PC.

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && exit

To verify the installed Docker and Compose, use the following commands:

docker -v && docker-compose -v

Example output:

Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a6621
docker-compose version 1.26.0, build d4451659

2. Configure and Run the Watcher Instance

The rest of the steps are the same as described in the Docker Compose guide for Linux-based systems. Proceed to 2. Set Up Configuration Files of the Docker Compose tab to finish the installation.


To verify that you're fully synced, check the status of Watcher and Watcher Info:

Watcher Info

curl -X POST "http://$REMOTE_SERVER:7534/status.get"
  • $REMOTE_SERVER - an IP address of your remote server. If you run the Watcher on your local machine, replace the value with the localhost.

Example output:

  "data": {
    "byzantine_events": [],
    "contract_addr": {
      "erc20_vault": "0x070cb1270a4b2ba53c81cef89d0fd584ed4f430b",
      "eth_vault": "0x3eed23ea148d356a72ca695dbce2fceb40a32ce0",
      "payment_exit_game": "0x48d7a6bbc428bca019a560cf3e8ea5364395aad3",
      "plasma_framework": "0x0d4c1222f5e839a911e2053860e45f18921d72ac"
    "eth_syncing": false,
    "in_flight_exits": [],
    "last_mined_child_block_number": 2656000,
    "last_mined_child_block_timestamp": 1598017412,
    "last_seen_eth_block_number": 10704012,
    "last_seen_eth_block_timestamp": 1598018818,
    "last_validated_child_block_number": 2656000,
    "last_validated_child_block_timestamp": 1598017412,
    "services_synced_heights": [
        "height": 10704012,
        "service": "block_getter"
        "height": 10703999,
        "service": "challenges_responds_processor"
        "height": 10704000,
        "service": "competitor_processor"
        "height": 10704002,
        "service": "depositor"
        "height": 10704000,
        "service": "exit_challenger"
        "height": 10704000,
        "service": "exit_finalizer"
        "height": 10704000,
        "service": "exit_processor"
        "height": 10703999,
        "service": "ife_exit_finalizer"
        "height": 10704000,
        "service": "in_flight_exit_processor"
        "height": 10703999,
        "service": "piggyback_challenges_processor"
        "height": 10704000,
        "service": "piggyback_processor"
        "height": 10704012,
        "service": "root_chain_height"
  "service_name": "watcher_info",
  "success": true,
  "version": "1.0.3+cbbc2dc"

Notice, the server may not respond until the following line appears in the watcher_info logs:

watcher_info_1   | 2020-05-30 06:13:36.445 [info] module=Phoenix.Endpoint.CowboyAdapter function=start_link/3 ⋅Running OMG.WatcherRPC.Web.Endpoint with cowboy 1.1.2 at :::7434 (http)⋅


curl -X POST "http://$REMOTE_SERVER:7434/status.get"
  • $REMOTE_SERVER - an IP address of your remote server. If you run the Watcher on your local machine, replace the value with the localhost.

Example output:

  "data": {
    "byzantine_events": [],
    "contract_addr": {
      "erc20_vault": "0x070cb1270a4b2ba53c81cef89d0fd584ed4f430b",
      "eth_vault": "0x3eed23ea148d356a72ca695dbce2fceb40a32ce0",
      "payment_exit_game": "0x48d7a6bbc428bca019a560cf3e8ea5364395aad3",
      "plasma_framework": "0x0d4c1222f5e839a911e2053860e45f18921d72ac"
    "eth_syncing": false,
    "in_flight_exits": [],
    "last_mined_child_block_number": 2656000,
    "last_mined_child_block_timestamp": 1598017412,
    "last_seen_eth_block_number": 10703998,
    "last_seen_eth_block_timestamp": 1598018636,
    "last_validated_child_block_number": 2656000,
    "last_validated_child_block_timestamp": 1598017412,
    "services_synced_heights": [
        "height": 10703996,
        "service": "block_getter"
        "height": 10703984,
        "service": "challenges_responds_processor"
        "height": 10703986,
        "service": "competitor_processor"
        "height": 10703988,
        "service": "depositor"
        "height": 10703984,
        "service": "exit_challenger"
        "height": 10703984,
        "service": "exit_finalizer"
        "height": 10703984,
        "service": "exit_processor"
        "height": 10703984,
        "service": "ife_exit_finalizer"
        "height": 10703986,
        "service": "in_flight_exit_processor"
        "height": 10703984,
        "service": "piggyback_challenges_processor"
        "height": 10703986,
        "service": "piggyback_processor"
        "height": 10703998,
        "service": "root_chain_height"
  "service_name": "watcher",
  "success": true,
  "version": "1.0.3+cb41972"


There are two ways to test that your Watcher is working properly:

  1. Use http://$REMOTE_SERVER:7534 as a WATCHER_URL value in your configs to make a transfer in your own or one of the OMG Network projects, such as omg-js samples.

  2. Make a transaction or another operation using Watcher Info API.

  • $REMOTE_SERVER - an IP address of your remote server. If you run the Watcher on your local machine, replace the value with the localhost.

Last updated

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